
其他信息:退伍军人 & 军事

补充提供的资料 资助学生流程概述, certain sponsored newbb电子平台 students may benefit from additional information. 如果您有更多问题或仍需要帮助, please contact the 财务长办公室 by sending an email to bursar@freetobeashley.com 或者拨打740.593.4130.


The 退伍军人和军人学生服务中心 is the main source of information for veterans and military-affiliated students attending newbb电子平台. The 退伍军人和军人学生服务中心 site should be reviewed for information about the certification process, 特定的章益资格, 还有其他资源.

学费援助, 冗长的奖学金信, and contracts can be submitted to the 财务长办公室 via email (bursar@freetobeashley.com), fax (740) 593-0767, drop box in Chubb Hall, or by mail at 丘布堂010号, 雅典,俄亥俄州45701.


9/11后的GI法案®-第33章: After tuition certification, Veterans Affairs sends payment. 这些款项由财务司办公室公布. If there are multiple class start dates, multiple 支付 will be received. Late fees are suspended for the amount covered by Post 9/11 tuition benefits.

9/11后支付的费用包括学费, 强制性的费用, 类费用, 还有学生健康保险. 非居民学费附加费不符合支付条件.  请访问 俄亥俄州居民的学费目的 为住院医师资格收费. 

If there is an overpayment, a notice is sent to newbb电子平台 and funds are returned. 如果学生退学,可能会出现多付学费的情况, 掉一门课, 没有完成一门课程, 或获得学费特定学分(即. Ohio College Opportunity Grant, GoArmyEd, employee fee waiver). Occasionally, a return of Post 9/11 支付 can result in a balance due from the student.

职业康复 & 雇佣-第三十一章:  After tuition certification, the Department of Veterans Affairs is invoiced.  While awaiting payment, a credit for tuition is applied to the student account.


空军后备军官训练团(学费): 在每学期开始的时候, ROTC will send a roster of eligible students to the 财务长办公室 for the amount of tuition.

陆军后备军官训练团(学费): Please contact Army ROTC with questions regarding invoicing. 

NOTE: Air Force and Army ROTC incentive funds (usually for housing costs) are awarded by ROTC and disbursed by the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships



The roster of eligible students are sent to the 财务长办公室 each term. Students can also submit their approval letter from the Adjutant General’s Department to our office.

If you are eligible to use Federal 学费援助, please review the 联邦学费援助第一政策常见问题解答 由俄亥俄州国民警卫队提供.



学费援助 (TA) is an additional source of federal funds available to Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve personnel to help defray the costs of a college education.  在某些情况下, TA can be used in conjunction with your Veterans Affairs GI Bill® educational chapter benefits.

All prospective students wishing to use 学费援助 are directed to receive approval from their Education Service Officer (ESO), 军事顾问, 或服务代表在注册前.

Information on using 学费援助 for your specific branch of service can be found at the websites below:

Approved FTA forms can be submitted to the 财务长办公室 via email (bursar@freetobeashley.com), fax (740) 593-0767, drop box in Chubb Hall, or by mail at 丘布堂010号, 雅典,俄亥俄州45701.


军事学费援助 (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the period for which the assistance is awarded.  If a student withdraws, the student may not be eligible for the full amount of TA funds awarded.

The amount of assistance earned is determined on a pro rata basis. 例如, if you completed 30% of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period. 

The TA eligibility will be calculated using the following formula: 
Number of days completed/Total days of the course (start to end date) = Percent of TA earned 

指学生正式退出某门课程, the date of withdrawal will be used as the last date of attendance. If a student stops attending a class (unofficial withdrawal) the last date of attendance will be determined by the last date of activity within the course. 

TA的调整可能会导致未付学费余额. Payment for unpaid tuition is the responsibility of the student. 

If a service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, newbb电子平台 will work with the affected service member to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion. 


账户详细登录, located within the Finances section of the MyOHIO学生中心, is the official account statement for an newbb电子平台 student. The 账户详细登录 provides an inclusive view of charges, 支付, 金融援助, 以及特定学期的注册. By selecting the accompanied “printer friendly version” of 账户详细登录, financial and enrollment information can be displayed on newbb电子平台 letterhead. 账户明细也可在 授权用户门户.

A 学生帐户如何视频 and an 教学PDF文件 are available to assist with locating the 账户详细登录.


newbb电子平台 does not charge tuition based on the class, but on the number of credit hours. 学费的日程安排, 哪些反映了每学时的基本学费, 可在财务司司长办公室的网页上查阅. 学费的日程安排 may be used in conjunction with the 账户详细登录 to validate tuition amounts that were charged for a given semester.

To locate the tuition schedules on the 财务长办公室 website, 在左侧导航菜单中单击“学费和杂费”.


请访问 资助学生常见问题 for answers to common questions about the Sponsored Student Process at newbb电子平台.